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camtasia-studio:start [2016/03/22 17:07]
samarn [Camtasia Studio]
camtasia-studio:start [2016/04/30 09:00] (current)
samarn [Camtasia Recorder]
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 ====== Camtasia Studio ====== ====== Camtasia Studio ======
 +  *[[batch-production-out-of-memory|Batch Production หน่วยความจำไม่พอ]]
 +  *[[how-to-split-clips|แบ่งคลิปหลายวิธี]]
 +  *[[clip-speed-in-each-version|Clip Speed ในแต่ละรุ่น]]
 +  *[[many-spotlights|ทำสปอตไลท์หลายจุด]]
 +====== Camtasia Recorder ======
 +  * [[mouse-blinking-when-capture-screen|แก้ปัญหาเมื่อเม้าส์กระพริบ]]
 +  * [[An-error-occurred-in-the-recorder-video-codec-open-failed|An error occurred in the recorder video codec open failed]]
 +  * [[how-to-capture-on-1366-768-screen|การจับภาพบนจอ 1366x768]]
   ​   ​
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 </​columns>​ </​columns>​
-====== Camtasia Recorder ====== 
-  * [[mouse-blinking-when-capture-screen|แก้ปัญหาเมื่อเม้าส์กระพริบ]] 
-  * [[An-error-occurred-in-the-recorder-video-codec-open-failed|An error occurred in the recorder video codec open failed]] 

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